who is BYRNE?
“The Mellow Soulsearcher”
I can perfectly assign a bandanna based on your energy. Wanna get your reading?
✦✧ I can perfectly assign a bandanna based on your energy. Wanna get your reading? ✧✦
Headshot by condylicious
A caring assistant at the Wrensong Butterfly Garden who always keeps his cool. Having run away from home a few times as a kid, he always felt like forests and fields were a more proper home to him than a house.
Undoubtedly warm-hearted, but has a hard time putting his feeling into words. He wonders often why he’s been given so many second chances, and if he even deserves them.
Those closest to him would beg to differ - saying that he he brings a special warmth wherever he goes.
His passions...
Perusing the local thrift scene
Caring for creatures, big and small, feathered or fluffy or scaly
Rocking his rose-tinted glasses - he never goes without them
His past...
Born October 14 - 23 years old
Assistant Butterfly Petter at the Wrensong Butterfly Garden, 501(c)(3)
Bi energy, bi heart (especially for one bird in particular)
Long-time wanderer - he’s still be looking for a place to call home, but he’s found a family that will stay with him forever
🖌 Featured:
Art by yorixa! // Click to view
site ver 2.1.0 // huge thanks to riverspinach! // (c) dantenaimo.com, do definitely distribute please :]