So this is…


The Lovable Scatterbrain

The commander and CEO (which he insists means “Chief Excitement Officer”) of Traction Power: the greatest independent exploration ship in all of space! Well also, he’s total bumbling fool - too distracted by his wandering mind to direct his crew.

Nobody really remembers how he came to power, actually - But Caw’s unfailing encouragement, lax nature, and unlimited PTO policy makes him beloved by his subordinates - even if it means they do all the hard work.

Caw has good intentions behind his absent-mindedness. He’s a bit hard of himself at times. When overwhelmed, even depressed, Caw decompresses by hanging out with his trusty Steller’s Jay/best friend/alarm clock, Comet.

And he likes…

  • Pinterest fashion

  • Vacation!!

  • Lots, lots, of caw-ffee

What else?

  • 34 years old (born Apr 1)

  • 6’5”

  • Technically an outlaw who may have snuck-and-frauded himself through the corporate ladder - but who needs to know?

  • Once a student of Garth’s, who never saw much in Caw’s talent… but did see a kid who wanted to be good to his people.