my infinite serpent a poem at the end of the world best viewed on a large display Behind the Tides:Early concepts, sketches, and lines [Dante] Narrator Visual Concept - May 1, 2022 [Smudgyink] Lines: Panel 3, Narrator [Smudgyink] Sketches: Panels 6-8, Narrator [Dante] Early Structures: Narrator & Nessie Bodies [Dante] Scrapped Board for Panel 7 [Smudgyink] Early Design: Nessie (with alt eye scar) [Smudgyink] Lines: Panel 8, Nessie (unfinished) [Smudgyink] Lines: Panel 8, Nessie (skeletal rendering) [Smudgyink] Sketches: Panel 6, Nessie/Birds/Water [Smudgyink] Draft Eye Designs for Nessie Thank you for reading, and viewingthis constant thread in our livesfrom May 1, 2022 to June 16, 2023.